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Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars

Sidekick™ Joyride Bars

Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars
Sidekick™ Joyride Bars

Sidekick™ Joyride Bars



The Sidekick Joyride Bars cater to passengers who just want to sit back and enjoy the ride. The U-shape brings the handhold closer to the passenger—no long reach required—and can help your kid feel more stable and protected on the bike. Pair with the Captain's Chair to create a deluxe passenger cabin for a big kid or adult. Use the same combo to carry a crate or box for the grocery run.

  • Ergonomic grips for extra comfort
  • Extended side rails for hand protection
  • Compatible with 30.9 and 31.6 mm seatposts
  • Adding the Captain's Chair lets you install the Storm Shield Mini on the GSD, and the Storm Shield Mini on the HSD, Quick Haul, and Short Haul*
  • Find compatible bikes here

Note for shorter riders: Since the Sidekick Joyride Bars mount to the seatpost, they increase the minimum height of the saddle. Choosing a low saddle height may also make the Joyride Bars too low for your passenger to use easily.

* These accessory combos are suitable for riders approx. 170 - 190 cm (5’7” - 6’3”) tall. Otherwise, the Joyride Bars won't be at the height needed to use the Storm Shield or Storm Shield Mini. 

Make sure you are carrying your passengers safely! Find all Tern Passenger Carrying Guides here.