Tern Non-Electric Bikes
At Tern, we make bikes and accessories for all types of riders. As you’re browsing through our collection, you may find that choosing a Tern bike that suits both your wants and needs is not an easy task! But whatever your requirements are, rest assured that we always strive to get the right proportion of functionality, comfort, and convenience.

Eclipse D16

Eclipse P20

Verge S8i

Eclipse X22

Verge X11

The Short Haul cargo bike is unmissable for your daily activities. If you’ve been looking for a sturdy bike that can help you get through the day no matter what kind of cargo—either packages or your child—the Short Haul is your top choice.

Tern Folding Bicycles

The Link is the most affordable platform in our lineup and provides the convenience that you’d expect from a Tern folding bike. It goes everywhere you go—from the subway train to your office desk, but also from one campus building to another.

The Eclipse has an equally easy fold as all other Tern folding bikes, but it’s distinguished by its 26-inch wheels and high-end road bike feel.

The Verge is a pedal-powered speed machine, as it’s a Tern folding bike built for fast, swift, and stable riding to get you to your destination in style.

The Node is a bike for your everyday routine, ranging from shopping and going to the gym to leisurely meandering in the park. With 24” wheels, the Node offers the comfort of a full-sized bike and the practicality of a Tern folding bike.