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The purchasing process is just ok, but not as what I expected. They shipped the bicycle to a local store to assemble together and to make sure all details are working correctly. However, the local store has their own business to handle, they are selling all other bicycles and repairing all other bicycles. Once the bicycle is shipped there, they even cannot exactly tell you when your bicycle is ready. So you are just blind folded waiting and you don't even know when. The exciting expectation for a new bicycle is being cooled down with this unknown waiting.
When I finally got the bicycle, they even didn't go over with me to tell me the correct way or steps to fold the bike. It was like that's all yours, you figure it out. Actually, I even didn't read the manual, I just folded in a wrong way but fit into my car to drive back.
Probably it would be a better idea if they are shipping the bicycle that is correctly assembled and usable. I can receive the whole package at home and read the manual in details. Otherwise, I may fold in the wrong way or I may miss some details for safety. That shop didn't tell me anything.
But the bicycle is very good. I like it. But the purchasing process and the shipping can be improved.