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Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)

Clubhouse (Gen 3)

Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)
Clubhouse (Gen 3)

Clubhouse (Gen 3)


The Clubhouse (Gen 3) turns your GSD, Orox or Quick Haul Long into a modular minivan for the family. Activate school bus mode by accommodating seating for up to two kids. And when it’s time to run some errands, swap out the seating for a cargo container or two to create a super spacious rear trunk. Who needs a car to get stuff done?

  • Comes with Child Seat Expansion Bar** to support up to two compatible rack-mounted child seats
  • Converts into a cozy hangout for two big kids from 5 - 10 years old, 110 - 140 cm tall (3'7" - 4'7") when paired with the Clubhouse Backrest and two Clubhouse Seat Pads
  • Modular design allows you to mix and match seating configurations for setups tailored to your family’s current and future needs 
  • Designed with extended side rails for added hand protection 
  • Fits a 600 X 400 mm Eurocrate to haul all your groceries
  • Includes four bottle mounts for water bottles, coffee mugs, and locks
  • Supports vertical parking when Flat Bar is used***

Note on dimensions and weight: The Clubhouse (Gen 3) measures 684 × 551 × 230 mm and 2.73 kg with the Flat Bar, and 795 × 551 × 230 mm and 2.80 kg with the Child Seat Expansion Bar.

Make sure you are carrying your passengers safely! Find all Tern Passenger Carrying Guides here.

* Recommended height between 110-140 cm. Smaller children will require child seats.

**When using the Child Seat Expansion Bar, the rear position must be occupied by a child seat.

***Child Seat Expansion Bar will interfere with vertical parking.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Happy faces

We added the clubhouse after having two Thule toddler seats in the back. Our girls were so excited to “graduate” to the clubhouse and were all smiles during their first ride after a snowy winter. My partner was able to install it relatively quickly with no issue. We are ready for bike season!