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Cargo Hold 28 Pannier
Cargo Hold 28 Pannier
Cargo Hold 28 Pannier
Cargo Hold 28 Pannier
Cargo Hold 28 Pannier
Cargo Hold 28 Pannier

Cargo Hold 28 Pannier

Cargo Hold 28 Pannier
Cargo Hold 28 Pannier
Cargo Hold 28 Pannier

Cargo Hold 28 Pannier


The Cargo Hold 28 Pannier is like your errand-running and commuting buddy. It's your bike bag for a quick run to the shops, a sprint to the office, or a fun afternoon trip with your kid to the park. What's more, its waterproof liner and rolltop design keep your stuff dry, while the Fidlock® magnetic buckle allows easy access with just one hand.

  • Holds up to 28 L to fit light groceries, your work bag, or your mini passenger's toys
  • Waterproof liner and durable weather-resistant exterior to keep your stuff dry
  • Hassle-free access with an adjustable strap and Fidlock® magnetic buckle
  • Rolltop design folds flat when not in use, and quickly converts into Bucket Mode with the sides tucked in
  • Keep it closed when using a child seat on the HSD, Quick Haul or Short Haul, and use it to maximize your cargo capacity on an NBD
  • Made of durable and sustainably-made Bluesign® fabric, with reflective decals for extra visibility
  • Sold individually
  • Find compatible bikes here

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Robert James
Perfect Fit for NBD and Unobtrusive When Empty and Folded Flat

Just the right size for typical grocery items. With a pair of them capable of holding 20 lb/9kg on each side of the Gaia Rack, and my Tern Market Basket holding 22 lb/10 kg on top, they reach the NBD Rack's maximum capacity of 60 lb/27 kg.

But more important than weight, the Cargo Hold 28s accommodate more volume than the Kontti baskets that I previously used on my NBD (and that had transferred from my earlier Verge). Ideal for the bulky but light grocery items I typically carry. Plus the Cargo Holds can either become buckets like the Kontti, or enclosed for weather protection.

I do miss the Ortlieb quick disconnects of the Kontti, however, as another reviewer stated. Although the Velcro straps of the Cargo Holds are more firm & secure. So taking a tip from a Tern online FaceBook site, I place handled, soft carry bags inside the panniers, and bring the groceries and other items into the house that way.

Then fold the Cargo Hold 28s flat against the NBD until they're needed again. Always there, always handy, but never in the way. I find them a good solution to making the NBD a versatile everyday utility bike.


It’s big enough for grocery shopping only problem wish it had quick release system like Ortlieb panniers