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Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers

Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers

Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers
Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers

Cargo Hold™ 52 Panniers


The Cargo Hold 52 Panniers are like an extra-roomy trunk for the GSD. With a volume of more than 100 liters per pair, they’re spacious enough for weekly shopping runs, camping adventures, or hauling all your kids’ bags, instruments, and sporting equipment (while your kids are on board, of course). Use in Roll-Top Mode for weather protection, or quickly switch to Bucket Mode for stashing oversized cargo. Two Fidlock® buckles make opening and closing a snap.

  • Holds up to 104 L per pair (52 L per pannier) for hauling heaps of whatever
  • Two Fidlock buckles for hassle-free access to your stuff
  • Weather-resistant roll-top design packs flat for a neat and tidy look, even when loaded
  • Easily converts to Bucket Mode for carrying oversized cargo—stiff design preserves the basket/bucket shape
  • Compatible with (up to 2) child seats*
  • Made with tough, durable, Bluesign® nylon fabric
  • Reflective decals for extra visibility at night

*Must be used in Bucket Mode when used with a child seat, and may require a Pannier Adapter. For two child seats, Bucket Mode and two Pannier Adapters are required (The GSD supports two Thule Yepp Maxi child seats).

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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 2 reviews
    Completely unclear how to install. No videos that help.

    Completely unclear how to install. I can’t find any videos online. The previous review is helpful and it shows that others have also struggled.

    Great Bag, BUT…

    This is an awesome quality and well built set of panniers. But upon removal from the package I noticed that they didn’t have any installation instructions with them. This is a problem because I have the clubhouse + installed and the Cargo Hold 52L panniers can’t be installed correctly with the built in straps on them. The resting points of the clubhouse + sit where the front foremost connection and rear most connection should reside. There is no way to secure the panniers without these critical points.

    I also looked everywhere to see if there was a specific install video for the 52’s and there isn’t. Found a video for the 37’s but that doesn’t help me. Lastly, it seems that extra straps are necessary for the bottom section of the panniers but they do not come with the panniers either, nor is it stated that they are needed in the first place. Without them the bottom of the panniers are not secured to deck /frame section. And speaking of decks, I have the wide decks installed and they also seem to interfere with attempting to secure the panniers at the bottom sections to the frame or decks.

    Ultimately, there should be instructions in the box with these nearly $300 panniers, along with video support to assist with installation.

    Installing these types of accessories shouldn’t be this difficult.


    P.S. Love my new GSD R14 though!