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Verge S8i
Verge S8i
Verge S8i
Verge S8i
Verge S8i
Verge S8i
Verge S8i
Verge S8i

Verge S8i

The Super Commuter

Verge S8i
Verge S8i
Verge S8i
Verge S8i

Verge S8i

The Super Commuter


Bike Shipping Details:

All bike purchases will be shipped to the closest Tern dealer to your shipping address for assembly. If there is not a Tern dealer in your area, we will contact you to arrange to ship to a local bicycle retailer of your choice.
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Verge S8i Overview

  • New colors and updated styling
  • Shimano Alfine 8-speed internally geared hub for low-maintenance riding
  • Revolutionary Gates Carbon Drive drivetrain for a quiet, light, and clean bike
  • Shimano Deore hydraulic disc brakes for extreme stopping power
  • Andros™ handlebar stem for tool-free riding position adjustments on the fly
  • Bright, wide-beam Valo™ Light powered by the BioLogic Joule™ 3 electricity-generating hub
  • Schwalbe Big Apple tires with Kevlar puncture protection
  • Folds in under 10 seconds to fit under a desk
  • Fenders for rainy days
  • Cargo Rack for hauling up to 25 kg (55 lb)

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Update for Peyton

I raised this review, because of the website, to a 5 to average out both reviews to a ~3.

I traded this bike for a 500$ bike and I couldn't be happier.

Thank you Tern for this wonderful website, you sold them on the S8I.

Good to know

order #13293

1. Gear train noise in different gears. Comes and goes.
2. The folding latch opens while pedaling. This causes the bike to bend down the centerline while riding. Has happened 6 times. The safety clip doest work.
3. Rubber strap under the seat fell off while riding within first 3 weeks.
4. Brakes drag.

This bike is how I make my daily 11km round trip commute. Issues 1,2,4 have been present within the first 2 months.

I spent 2200$ on a bike because I put faith in it working, based on the price... this was foolish of me and I now know that. This is a downgrade from my 600$ Izzo.

1. Good handle bars.
2. Good gear ratio.
3. Great kickstand position.

Great local errand and vacation bike

I've had a Verge S8i for a few years now, and it's become my favorite local errand bike, as well as the bike I take on car vacations, my destination/resort bike. It has so many unique features that I really love, so where to begin? The internal geared hub and belt drive are super. Just the right gearing for in town speeds, with occasional elevations. And the silence is spooky, but welcome. Clean no-maintance, makes handling, storing indoors in a condo closet and transporting it a mess-free operation. The fenders are essential with sudden Florida showers and lots of puddles, since I don't wanna go shopping, and sitting down to eat, while sporting a muddy racing stripe. The hydraulic disc brakes also handle the rain a lot better than rim brakes, very strong, and I never have to adjust them. I've got a number of Tern luggage items, that snap quickly onto the rack, making errands easy. Overall very high quality, still looks new after over 3 years, no failures or problems. If a folding bike fits your needs, the S8i is an excellent choice.